Harris County Housing Authority

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Fri 04-26-2019

Harris County Project Recovery


The Harris County Community Services Department is pleased to announce that the Harris County Project Recovery-Harvey has officially begun.  This week, April 22-26th Is Community Development Week, 2019.  In recognition of this special week, we invite you to view and share this newsletter dedicated to our disaster recovery effort. 

Please click the link below: https://csd.harriscountytx.gov/Pages/Newsletter.aspx

Harris County Project Recovery2019-04-26T20:03:14-05:00
Tue 04-16-2019

Notificación del Programa de Vales Basados en Proyectos (PBV) de la Autoridad de Vivienda del Condado de Harris para la Apertura de la Lista de Espera para The Villas of Eastwood


Notificación del Programa de Vales Basados en Proyectos (PBV) de la Autoridad de Vivienda del Condado de Harris para la Apertura de la Lista de Espera para The Villas of Eastwood

La Autoridad de Vivienda del Condado de Harris (HCHA) está abriendo su lista de espera de Vales Basados en Proyectos (PBV) para The Villas at Eastwood.

Preferencias de Vales PBV de HCHA:

1)     1) La HCHA ofrecerá la primera preferencia local en la lista de espera a los antiguos inquilinos elegibles que residen en el desarrollo de ocupación de habitación individual (SRO) de Northline a partir del 24 de agosto de 2017.

2)    2) La HCHA ofrecerá la segunda preferencia local en la lista de espera a las personas elegibles que anteriormente se encontraban sin hogar o que fueron derivadas a través del Sistema de Acceso Coordinado de la comunidad a través de la Coalición de Atención Continua del Condado de Harris (CoCC).

Las unidades para PBV son eficientes y apartamentos de una (1) habitación en The Villas at Eastwood ubicado en 1933 Hussion St., Houston, TX.

Las solicitudes de PBV estarán disponibles en línea por un período de inscripción limitado desde el lunes 29 de abril de 2019 a las 8:00 a.m. hasta el martes 30 de abril de 2019 a las 5:00 p.m.

Los solicitantes pueden presentar su solicitud las 24 horas del día en nuestro sitio web: https://www.waitlistcheck.com/TX1735. No se aceptarán solicitudes en papel en ninguna de las propiedades de HCHA o en la oficina central.

Los solicitantes que necesitan ayuda para completar la solicitud debido a una discapacidad pueden realizar una solicitud de adaptación razonable a HCHA al 713-578-2100 o www.hchatexas.org. Todos los solicitantes entrarán en una lotería de la cual se seleccionarán 1000 solicitantes para la lista de espera de PBV. Una lotería aleatoria generada por computadora se llevará a cabo el miércoles 1 de mayo

Notificación del Programa de Vales Basados en Proyectos (PBV) de la Autoridad de Vivienda del Condado de Harris para la Apertura de la Lista de Espera para The Villas of Eastwood2021-07-23T06:26:44-05:00
Tue 04-16-2019

Opening of Waitlist for The Villas of Eastwood


The Harris County Housing Authority (HCHA) is opening its Project-Based Voucher (PBV) waitlist for The Villas at Eastwood.

HCHA PBV Voucher Preferences:

1)     The HCHA will offer the waiting list first local preference to eligible former tenants residing at the Northline Single Room Occupancy (SRO) development as of August 24, 2017. 

2)    The HCHA will offer the waiting list second local preference to eligible individuals who were formerly homeless or referred through the community-wide Coordinated Access System via Harris County Continuum of Care Coalition (CoCC).

The units for PBV are efficiencies and one (1) bedroom apartments at The Villas at Eastwood located at 1933 Hussion St., Houston, TX.

The PBV applications will be available online for a limited enrollment period from Monday, April 29, 2019 at 8:00 a.m. to Tuesday, April 30, 2019 at 5:00 p.m.

Applicants may apply 24 hours a day at our website: https://www.waitlistcheck.com/TX1735. Paper applications will not be accepted at any of HCHA’s properties or central office.

Applicants who need help completing the application due to a disability can make a reasonable accommodation request to HCHA at 713-578-2100 or www.hchatexas.org.

All applicants will be entered into a lottery from which 1000 applicants will be selected for the PBV waitlist. A computer-generated random lottery will be conducted Wednesday, May 1, 2019. After May 1, 2019 applicants may go to www.waitlistcheck.com to determine if they were randomly selected for the PBV waitlist.

Opening of Waitlist for The Villas of Eastwood2019-04-16T20:25:48-05:00
Thu 01-17-2019

Government Shutdown Impact on HCHA


A partial shutdown of the Federal Government began on Saturday, December 22, 2018, and impacted several Federal Agencies and millions of Americans. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is one of the Federal Agencies impacted.  The Harris County Housing Authority receives 100% of its funding from HUD to operate the Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCV). Therefore, the current Government Shutdown may impact HCHA’s ability to disburse Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) beginning March of 2019.

HCHA is keenly aware of the enormous impact on our Landlords and the vulnerable client population we serve if Housing Assistance Payments are delayed or interrupted.  HCHA requests that Landlords and Property Managers work with our clients to minimize their possible displacement during this Government Shutdown. Landlords and Property Managers are prohibited from seeking payment from a resident for the Housing Authority’s portion of rent and may not use the Authority’s non-payment of HAP as a cause for eviction under the terms of the HAP contract. To that end, tenants must comply with the terms of the lease, pay the tenant portion of the rent and to work with the Landlords and Property Managers. HCHA is diligently advocating for an end to the Shutdown and the full restoration of HUD funding on or before March 1, 2019.  In addition, HCHA is exploring all viable options to minimize the impact to our Landlords and families.

Please visit HCHA’s website at www.hchatexas.org for updated information related to the Government Shutdown and its impact on HCHA’s ability to continue the distribution of Housing Assistance Payments.

Government Shutdown Impact on HCHA2021-07-23T06:26:44-05:00
Mon 11-19-2018

RFQ 18-01 Architectural-Engineering Services (AHDP)


The Harris County Housing Authority (“HCHA”) invites qualified architects and architectural firms to submit their qualifications for consideration to provide general architecture and engineering (A&E) services for various multi-family housing developments as specified in the Request for Qualifications #18-01. Proposals Due: December 12, 2018, at 3:00 PM.  Bid Submission – Proposals shall be submitted to: Harris County Housing Authority, 8933 Interchange Drive, Houston, TX 77054. Attn: RFQ #18-01 Architectural and Engineering Services, c/o Samson Babalola. RFQ #18-01

RFQ 18-01 Architectural-Engineering Services (AHDP)Amendment #1Amendment #2

RFQ 18-01 Architectural-Engineering Services (AHDP)2018-12-17T12:59:37-06:00
Mon 10-29-2018

IFB 18-01 Apartment Furniture


The Harris County Housing Authority is accepting competitive sealed bids from furniture suppliers/companies to supply apartment furniture inclusive of delivery, assembly and installation for the Villas at Eastwood a 200 unit multi-family development located at 1933 Hussion Street, Houston, TX 77003. Bid Due: November 26, 2018, at 4:00 PM.  Bid Submission – Sealed bids shall be submitted to: Harris County Housing Authority, 8933 Interchange Drive, Houston, TX 77054. Attn: Apartment Furniture – Villas at Eastwood, c/o Samson Babalola.

IFB 18-01 Apartment Furniture

IFB 18-01 Apartment Furniture2018-11-05T18:01:35-06:00
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