Effective March 27, 2020

The Harris County Housing Authority offices remain closed to visitation by the public until further notice.

HCHA has implemented operational procedures to provide limited customer service to our Participants and Landlords.

staff will be available to assist

(via phone, fax, and emails) Participants, and Landlords (beginning March 30th)

until further Notice.

Your patience is requested due to limited staff presence during

this COVID-19 Emergency.


  • HCHA is conducting new unit inspections only.
  • Annual Inspections have been postponed and will be rescheduled for a later date.
  • Any requests for special inspections will be evaluated on a case by case basis.

            HCV-Section 8/VASH Program:

Do not hand-carry paperwork to the office. Please mail, email, or fax all documents to the HCHA offices. This includes but is not limited to recertification packets, RFTA’s and any other documentation.

Moves will be processed as follows:

  • Only emergency moves will be conducted on a case by case basis.
  • Document exchanges for an emergency move will be processed by mail, fax, and/or email.
  • Case Managers will contact the Participant to inform them that the tenant information form (TIF), voucher, estimator, and RFTA packet will be emailed or mailed to them.
  • Once the packet(s) are received, the Participant should contact their case manager so that they can go over the documents together.

New Admission Briefings and Portability Briefings will be processed as follows:

  • Document exchanges will be processed by mail, fax, and/or email.
  • Case Managers will contact the Participant, and email or mail the tenant information form (TIF), voucher, estimator, and RFTA packet to the client.
  • Once the Participant receives the tenant information form (TIF), voucher, estimator, and RFTA, the Participant should contact their assigned case manager to arrange a conference call to discuss the documents and obtain answer any question you may have regarding the documents.
  • The Mass Briefing(s) will be conducted via a scheduled telephone conference. Your Case Manager will provide you with a date and time and a phone number to call.

Landlord and Utility Reimbursement Payments:

  • No Changes Until Further Notice.

HCHA and staff apologize for any inconvenience these actions may cause. HCHA wants to aid in minimizing the spread of COVID – 19.

With COVID-19 reaching pandemic status and active cases surfacing in Harris County, our top priority is maintaining the safety and wellbeing of our clients, partners, and employees.

We are actively following directions and recommendations from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as we work to provide limited customer service.

Thank you for your cooperation and continued support as we work together to maintain the health of our community.