Harris County Housing Authority

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So far Harris County Housing Authority has created 100 blog entries.
Tue 01-30-2018

RFP 18-01 Developer Partners of Affordable Multi-family Housing


The Harris County Housing Authority (“HCHA”) is requesting proposal submissions from qualified for-profit or non-profit development firms (Proposers), with extensive experience in developing or the acquisition/rehabilitation of affordable multi-family housing, located in Harris County outside of the City Limits of the City of Houston, Texas. This RFP contains submission requirements, the scope of services, periods of services, terms, and conditions, and other pertinent information for submitting a proper and responsive proposal. Interested Proposers can download the RFP and all amendment(s) to this solicitation from HCHA’s website (www.hchatexas.org).

Prospective Proposers desiring any explanations or interpretations of this solicitation must submit the request in writing no later than 5:00 PM (CST), February 12, 2018, ATTN: Harris County Housing Authority, Samson Babalola at [email protected]. Proposals must be received no later than February 26, 2018 at 3:00 PM RFP 18-01 Development Partners of Mutli-family Housing, Amendment 1

RFP 18-01 Developer Partners of Affordable Multi-family Housing2018-02-21T16:51:25-06:00
Mon 11-13-2017

RFP 17-13R Tax Credit Accounting and Financial Audit Services


Harris County Housing Authority on behalf of HCHA Redevelopment Authority hereby solicits proposals from accounting firms to provide tax credit accounting and financial audit services for Fenix Estates. This RFP contains submission requirements, scope of services, periods of services, terms and conditions, and other pertinent information for submitting a proper and responsive proposal. Interested Proposer(s) can download the RFP and all amendment(s) to this solicitation from HCHA’s website (www.hchatexas.org).  Prospective Proposer(s) desiring any explanation of interpretation of the solicitation must submit the request in writing no later than close of business,  November 7, 2017 to Harris County Housing Authority, ATTN: Paul Curry ([email protected]).  Proposals must be received by HCHA no later than 3:00 PM (CST) on  November 17, 2017Click here,  Amendment 1

RFP 17-13R Tax Credit Accounting and Financial Audit Services2017-11-13T15:53:36-06:00
Fri 11-3-2017

RFP 17-15 Income Verification Services


Harris County Housing Authority is soliciting proposals from interested professional firms to provide Income Verification Services. This RFP contains submission requirements, scope of services, periods of services, terms and conditions, and other pertinent information for submitting a proper and responsive proposal. Interested Proposer(s) can download the RFP and all amendment(s) to this solicitation from HCHA’s website (www.hchatexas.org).  Prospective Proposer(s) desiring any explanation of interpretation of the solicitation must submit the request in writing no later than 5:00 PM (CST), November 14, 2017 to Harris County Housing Authority, ATTN: Debra McCray ([email protected]).  Proposals must be received by HCHA no later than 3:00 PM (CST) on November 22, 2017. Click here.

RFP 17-15 Income Verification Services2017-11-03T02:04:07-05:00
Mon 09-11-2017

RFP 17-10R Financial Services – Mortgage Refinancing


HCHA Cypresswood Estates, LLC is soliciting proposals from qualified financial institutions to refinance the existing mortgage for Cypresswood Estates. This RFP contains submission requirements, scope of services, periods of services, terms and conditions, and other pertinent information for submitting a proper and responsive proposal. Prospective Proposer(s) desiring any explanation of interpretation of the solicitation must submit the request in writing no later than 5:00 PM (CST), November 7, 2017 to Harris County Housing Authority, ATTN: Paul Curry ([email protected]).  Proposals must be received by HCHA no later than 3:00 PM (CST) on November 17, 2017. RFP 17-10R Financial Services, Attachment 1, Attachment 2, Attachment 3, Attachment 4.

RFP 17-10R Financial Services – Mortgage Refinancing2017-10-27T22:06:41-05:00
Sun 09-10-2017

RFP #17-11 Proposals for Employment and Income Verification Services


Harris County Housing Authority is soliciting proposals from interested professional firms to provide Employment and Income Verification Services. This RFP contains submission requirements, scope of services, periods of services, terms and conditions, and other pertinent information for submitting a proper and responsive proposal. Interested Proposer(s) can download the RFP and all amendment(s) to this solicitation from HCHA’s website (www.hchatexas.org).  Prospective Proposer(s) desiring any explanation of interpretation of the solicitation must submit the request in writing no later than close of business,  September 19, 2017 to Harris County Housing Authority, ATTN: Debra McCray ([email protected]).  Proposals must be received by HCHA no later than 3:00 PM (CST) on  September 29, 2017Request For Proposal

RFP #17-11 Proposals for Employment and Income Verification Services2017-09-11T20:41:43-05:00
Sat 09-9-2017

RFP #17-12 Debt Collection and Related Legal Services


Harris County Housing Authority is soliciting proposals from interested professional firms to provide Debt Collection and Related Legal Services. This RFP contains submission requirements, scope of services, periods of services, terms and conditions, and other pertinent information for submitting a proper and responsive proposal. Interested Proposer(s) can   Prospective Proposer(s) desiring any explanation of interpretation of the solicitation must submit the request in writing no later than 5:00 PM (CST), September 19, 2017 to Harris County Housing Authority, ATTN: Scott Lemond (scott. [email protected]).  Proposals must be received by HCHA no later than 3:00 PM (CST) on September 29, 2017. For more information,  click here.

RFP #17-12 Debt Collection and Related Legal Services2017-09-11T20:46:47-05:00
Thu 07-27-2017

RFP #17-07 Proposals For Professional Consulting Services to Update The HCHA’s Administrative Plan and Housing Choice Voucher Program Standard Operating Procedures


Harris County Housing Authority is soliciting proposals from interested firms to provide Professional Consulting Services to Update the Harris County Housing Authority’s Administrative Plan and Housing Choice Voucher Program Standard Operating Procedures. This RFP contains submission requirements, scope of services, periods of services, terms and conditions, and other pertinent information for submitting a proper and responsive proposal. Interested Proposer(s) can download the RFP and all amendment(s) to this solicitation from HCHA’s website (www.hchatexas.org).  Prospective Proposer(s) desiring any explanation of interpretation of the solicitation must submit the request in writing no later than close of business day August 9, 2017 to Harris County Housing Authority, ATTN: Debra McCray ([email protected]).  Proposals must be received by HCHA no later than 3:00 PM (CST) on August 22, 2017. Request For Proposal, Attachment 1, RFQ 17-07 Amendment 1Attachment 1 (Exhibit E)Attachment 2 (Exhibit F )

RFP #17-07 Proposals For Professional Consulting Services to Update The HCHA’s Administrative Plan and Housing Choice Voucher Program Standard Operating Procedures2017-08-10T21:33:28-05:00
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